



In the next 100 years that began with the 2020 COVID19, what new values will the world need?
This is what we want to envision in the era of accelerating uncertainty



村松 竜 /
Ryu Muramatsu

GMO VenturePartners ファウンディングパートナー/GMOペイメントゲートウェイ 取締役副社長
1994年 早大政経卒、JAFCO入社
経営統合を経てGMOペイメントゲートウェイとなり2005年東証上場。 同年ベンチャーキャピタルであるGMO VenturePartnersを設立
2012年よりシンガポール駐在。 20年間で200社以上の投資・設立に関与、うち22社が上場、21社が時価総額1,000億円以上となる
Forbes JAPAN「日本のベンチャー投資家ランキング」(22年)1位に選出

Venture Capitalist | Forbes Japan’s #1 Influential Venture Capitalist 2023 | Head of Global at GMO Payment Gateway | Currently guiding fintech investments across the Indo-Pacific from my hub in Singapore | Founded the 100-Year Fund in 2023 |
B.A. in Economics, Waseda University - School of Political Science and Economics
Professional Journey:
-Began career at JAFCO, one of the biggest VCs in Japan
-Founded a fintech startup in 1999
-Steered GMO Payment Gateway to its IPO on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2005, now largest public company in fintech
-Founded the VC arm, GMO Venture Partners in 2005, invested in more than 200 startups, 22 of which have been listed, and 21 became unicorn.